Eastern Europe
This view shows most of Eastern Europe with the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea at the bottom including Italy and Greece as well as the Islands of Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily on the left and the countless Islands of the Aegean Sea on the right. On the far right you can see Western Turkey and further north the Black Sea and the plains of Ukraine and southern Russia. The center of this view is dominated by the Alps and Carpathian Mountains and the Hungarian Plain in between. Further north the lowlands on Poland and Belarus and the Baltic Sea can be seen as well.
Ansicht: | Eastern Europe |
Position: | Lon 18.736° Lat 22.226° |
Höhe: | 2829 km |
Richtung: | 359.5° |
Kamerawinkel: | 32° |
Bewertung: | 2.6 |
Umgebungskarte: Optisch Topographie

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