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Mount Damavand location map

Mount Damavand

Mount Damavand is the highest Peak (5604m) of the Alborz Mountains in northern Iran. South of the mountains lies the Iran capital Tehran and north of them the Caspian Sea.

Ansicht: Mount Damavand
Position: Lon 53.648°
Lat 35.55°
Höhe: 59 km
Richtung: 290°
Kamerawinkel: 43°
Bewertung: 2.5
Umgebungskarte:    Optisch Topographie
Mount Damavand location map
Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut
Mount Damavand

Verwandte Ansichten:

Alborz Mountains


von saeed aus Iran am Mon Jun 10 2013 07:17:53
I thank your site\\nIt was very informative for me.\\nIt was wonderful photos\\nPlease send me more photos of the areas of the site.
von arash aus Iran am Fri May 3 2013 18:52:28
your pictures are very very beautiful\\nthank you
von Siamak Atashi aus Iran am Tue Apr 5 2011 14:59:10
Dear Chris,\\r\\n\\r\\nI would like to express my deep appreciation because of your very innovative and really artistic photos which you have taken or made from my beautiful ancient country (Iran). I hope the best wishes for you to continue this valuable effort. Particularly,I will be highly appreciated if you can send me your other gallery and new photos from Iran whenever possible directly to my email. Take care buddy !\\r\\n\\r\\nSincerely,\\r\\n\\r\\nSiamak
von Sirus aus Iran am Sat Oct 9 2010 16:45:39
In fact this is last masterpiece in photograph art without any exaggeration ... appreciate about make it .
von Mohammad aus Iran am Sat Sep 18 2010 11:13:50
just Beautifulllllllllllll.........
von masoud aus Iran am Sun Sep 12 2010 11:28:56
thanks.It was very useful and practical.
von behnod aus Iran am Mon Sep 6 2010 10:12:25
tnx .\\r\\nplease take more pictures of iran esp AZARBAIJAN
von mehdi aus Iran am Sat Aug 28 2010 02:20:36
Thank you so much for these wonderful images.
von mr_hormaty aus Iran am Thu Apr 8 2010 07:11:49
Thanks for your nice pictures from IRAN.
von farshid aus Iran am Sun Feb 21 2010 02:37:05
very nice .......... thankx
von Hossein am Sat Nov 7 2009 12:33:17
Thanks for your nice pic. I'm Iranian and I'm 30 year old but Idon't think that Iran is dangerous.
von Elise aus Belgium am Wed Apr 22 2009 17:02:36
There obviously is a lot of beautiful nature in Iran, only to bad it is way to dangerous to visit the country if you want to return alive...\\r\\nBut that doesn't take away that this is a wonderfull picture! x
von Majid aus Iran am Sun Mar 29 2009 07:55:08
Honestly say,these pictures are the best one I have ever seen about Iran's geographical situation. Thanks a lot.
von behrouz abedinpour aus Iran am Sun Oct 19 2008 12:12:46
Iran is a big country & very nice.
von Behzad aus Iran am Mon Oct 6 2008 17:50:24
Thanks for these nice Pictures, Iran surely is the most beautiful Country in the World.\\r\\n
von Siamak am Fri Sep 5 2008 03:10:01
... and the city on the far right is my city, Amol. \\r\\nGreat job, guys!
von manirad aus Iran am Sat Jul 5 2008 16:09:32,s very nice. tanke you
von mohammad aus Iran am Sun Feb 17 2008 14:45:51
Thanks.It,s very nice. I love Iran(IRI)
von Galina Moya aus Cuba am Thu Jan 24 2008 14:59:42
It is a fantastic view of Alborz Mountains. I just came back home after 15 months seeing this Mountain every day from the windows of my apartment in Teheran. I climb it sometimes and enjoyed the view of the city. \\r\\nThank you \\r\\n
von Mohammad.mohammadi.takami aus Iran am Wed Jan 23 2008 06:52:05
very very nice \\r\\nI Love Iran & Mazandaran & Caspian sea\\r\\nThank you.
von bebo aus Puerto Rico am Fri Mar 16 2007 22:49:38
Is a great idea\\r\\n
von sahand aus Azerbaijan am Sun Feb 25 2007 00:29:00
that is ehe best satellite image i have seen so far.
von MT aus Iran am Tue Feb 13 2007 14:05:41
intresting! no one realized the Damavand 5671m has been mistaken by 5604m.
von Max aus Germany am Wed Jan 31 2007 23:37:43
Please, rename this site. Elbrus - the higest mountain at Kaukasus. Don't entangle Elbrus and Elbours ( Albours ).
von raha am Sat Dec 23 2006 21:24:55
awesome picture, subhanaalah! \\r\\ni love iran.
von Reza Kalantari aus Iran am Sun Dec 17 2006 10:16:16
Unbeliveable. very very nice. \\r\\nIt was a dream that I imagine view of iran.\\r\\ni wish you the best
von Shahab aus Iran am Fri Aug 25 2006 22:33:13
I believe that this image is one the most beautiful images which I have seen about Iran.
von Shahab aus Iran am Fri Aug 25 2006 22:31:05
I believe that this image is one the best images which I have seen about Iran.
von Hatef aus Canada am Sun Jul 2 2006 09:48:23
Alborz is only one of the many beautiful mountain sceneries in Iran and still it stands out as the most majestic. I wish I had stepped foot on it at least once!
von Mohammad aus United States am Sat Jun 10 2006 07:23:30
Great picture.\\r\\nI'm not sure how real it is. It looks realistic anyways.\\r\\nDo you have pictures of other Iran mountains or "Persian Golf"?\\r\\n
von Masoud aus Iran am Wed Jun 7 2006 10:36:51
Fantastic!\\r\\nI wish you every success in your spledid work.\\r\\nI'd like just to add an old Persian proverb, which clearly reflects the kind of respect Iranians have had for nature over centuries:\\r\\n\\r\\n  'God will not seek thy race,\\r\\n   nor will he ask thy birth\\r\\n           Alone,\\r\\n   He will demand of thee\\r\\n   "What hast thou done with the land\\r\\n          that I gave thee?" '
von Ramin aus United States am Mon May 29 2006 03:24:15
I was only seventeen years old when I first climbed Mount Damavand. I am now sixty two years old but the mountain still looks majestic and simply beautiful. I surely miss it.
von Massoud aus United Kingdom am Wed May 24 2006 00:57:37
I had never seen my beloved country from this altitude. Could you please add some more images?
von Bahram aus Iran am Mon May 22 2006 09:15:58
Its very nice.\\r\\nwe will be appritiated if you load more like this above Iran.

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