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2 Patch functions reference

This part of the Sim-POV documentation describes the extensions of the POV-Ray scene description language. It is meant to be a reference of these functions but does not give very detailed information on how to use them.

2.1 The simulation settings

This patch introduces a new block in the global_settings{} section of the POV-Ray scene file.

The complete syntax description of this block is:

    mechsim { [MECHSIM_ITEMS...] }
    method INTEGER | gravity VECTOR | time_step FLOAT |
    step_count INTEGER | time FLOAT |
               [save_file FILE_NAME] }
    function [(IDENT_LIST)] { FUNCTION_ITEMS } | object OBJECT
    stiffness FLOAT | damping FLOAT | friction FLOAT [, FLOAT] |
    method INTEGER
    stiffness FLOAT | damping FLOAT | friction FLOAT [, FLOAT]
           mass FLOAT | density FLOAT [fixed BOOL] } |
    connection { INDEX1, INDEX2 [stiffness FLOAT] [damping FLOAT]
                 [length FLOAT] } |
    face { INDEX1, INDEX2, INDEX3 } |
    load_file FILE_NAME

2.1.1 The general settings

Some general parameters can be given in the top level of the mechsim{} section.

The default values are:

method             : 1
gravity            : <0, 0, 0>
time_step          : 0.1
step_count         : 10 method

Selects the integration method used for solving the equations of movement.

Possible values are:

Method 1 is a first order integration method also known as explicit euler method. With the differential equations of movement written as:

  dy/dt = f(t, y)

y being the state of the system (positions and velocities) and the initial conditions y(t0)=y0 the euler method can be written as:

yn+1 = yn + h*f(tn, yn)

Method 2 is a second order integration method known as Heun's method. It's formula is:

k1 = f(tn, yn)
k2 = f(tn + h, yn + h*k1)
yn+1 = yn + (h/2)*(k1 + k2) gravity

Applies an overall constant gravitational force to all masses.

A vector is expected, the unit is m/s².

Standard earth gravity (with y=up coordinates) is:

gravity <0-9.810> simulation stepping

All simulation methods use discrete time steps for calculating the simulation. There are three parameters to steer this but only two are needed to correctly define the stepping. The formula for calculating the third is:

  Step_Count = Time / Time_Step

2.1.2 The environments

Environments are shapes the simulated masses are supposed to interact with. Several of them can be created with environment{} blocks. The environment definition

An environment is defined either by a user defined function or an object. If both are given the function is preferred.

Apart from the default parameters (x, y and z) the function can have a fourth parameter supplying a time index. It's value changes from 0 to 1 during the simulation. This way moving environment objects can be simulated.


#declare fn_Env=function(xyz, tim) { z-tim }

global_settings {
  mechsim {
    environment {
      function(xyz, tim) { fn_Env(xyz, tim) }
} The environment properties

There are three parameters defining the properties of the environment: The environment calculation method

There are currently two methods how the environment collisions can be calculated:

Method 1 (MECHSIM_ENV_METHOD_FORCE) is force based. When a mass collides with the environment a force is applied in direction of the function gradient (with function based environments) or the surface normal (with objects). The stiffness, damping and friction parameters influence this force. friction defines the ratio between the tangential force and the normal force.

force based environment collisions illustration

Method 2 (MECHSIM_ENV_METHOD_IMPACT) is based on impact laws. The velocity is inverted at the surface and diminished by the damping factor in normal direction and by the friction value in tangential direction. stiffness does not have any influence in this case.

impact based environment collisions illustration

Since this method directly modifies the velocity rather than applying forces it should only be used with the first order (euler) integration method.

With the gradient descent simulation method the method parameter does not have any effect.

2.1.3 The collision settings

The collisions referred to here are not environment collisions but collisions between the simulation elements. Since detecting this kind of collision is quite computationally intensive it is turned off by default.

With two numbers at the beginning of the collision{} section collision can be toggled for both mass-mass-collisions and mass-face-collisions. Both parameters are optional, the meaning of the possible values is:

mass-mass collisions illustration
mass-face collisions illustration

Internal collisions are always calculated with forces. The same three parameters like in the environment settings can be used to specify the properties

An example for a complete collision{} section:

global_settings {
  mechsim {
    collision {
      2/* mass-mass collisions between elements of different groups */
      0  /* no mass-face collisions */
      stiffness 20000
      damping 4000
      friction 0.21.01

2.1.4 The topology

The topology{} section is the central part of the whole simulation settings. Here the simulation elements, their positions and properties, can be defined. The topology items

There are three topology items: masses, connections and faces. Each of them has several parameters that can be set.

The mass block defines a point mass. These are the central elements of the simulation. Their movement is calculated by the simulation system.

masses illustration

The mass block contains the following elements:

In addition either the mass (unit: kg) or the density (unit: kg/m³) of the element has to be given. If density is specified the resulting mass is calculated automatically. An optional boolean parameter (fixed) prevents the mass from moving if set to true.

A complete example for a mass definition:

mass {
  <001>/* position */
  <100>/* velocity */
  0.1        /* radius */
  density 600
  // mass 2
  // fixed true

The connection block defines a connection between two point masses. It can have elastic and dissipative properties.

connections illustration

The first two elements of this block are integer numbers specifying the indices of the masses to connect.

There are three optional parameters: The stiffness value specifies the elasticity of the connection (unit N/m or kg/s²). damping the velocity proportional damping factor (unit kg/s). The default value for both of these is zero. The third parameter allows to specify a relaxed length of the connection. If it is not specified the distance of the two masses is used for this property.

A complete example for a connection definition:

global_settings {
  mechsim {
    topology {
      mass { ... }  /* mass with index 0 */
      mass { ... }  /* mass with index 1 */

      connection {
        0,          /* index of the first mass */
        1           /* index of the second mass */
        stiffness 10000
        damping 2000
        // length 0.5

The face block defines a triangular face between three point masses. It is used for collision calculations and can be useful for generating a mesh from the simulation data for display.

faces illustration

There are three integer numbers in the block, the indices of the masses forming the face.

A complete example for a face definition:

global_settings {
  mechsim {
    topology {
      mass { ... }  /* mass with index 0 */
      mass { ... }  /* mass with index 1 */
      mass { ... }  /* mass with index 2 */

      face {
        0,          /* index of the first mass */
        1,          /* index of the second mass */
        2           /* index of the third mass */
} grouping elements

Simulation elements can be categorized into groups. The main purpose of this is to speed up collision tests. The group keyword can be followed by an integer number in parentheses to explicitly specify the group. Otherwise the group index is determined automatically.


global_settings {
  mechsim {
    topology {
      mass { ... }  /* these elements are group index 0 */
      group {
        mass { ... } /* these elements are group index 1 */
      group {
        mass { ... } /* these elements are group index 2 */
      group (1{
        mass { ... } /* these elements are group index 1 */

} saving and loading topology data

The topology data can be written to and loaded from files. The format of these files is described in section 2.3.

save_file can only be added to the main topology{} block. It saves the complete data after the simulation to the specified file.

load_file can be placed anywhere in the topology{} section. If placed in a group the elements in the file are added to that group. Otherwise they are are placed in groups according to group index information in the file.

The same file name can be specified for both loading and saving the data. This is especially useful for animation when the following frame simulation should start with the result of the last frame:

global_settings {
  mechsim {
    topology {
      load_file "mechsim_data.dat"
      save_file "mechsim_data.dat"

2.2 Accessing simulation data

The whole simulation data can be accessed anywhere in the POV-Script. This is achieved by adding new float/vector functions:

    ... | mechsim : MECHSIM_ELEMENTS
    mass_count | connection_count | face_count |
    radius | mass
    index1 | index2 | length | stiffness | damping
    index1 | index2 | index3

    ... | mechsim : MECHSIM_ELEMENTS
    position | velocity

These elements correspond to those set in the mechsim{} block in global_settings{}. The mass position and velocity are the ones that are modified during simulation. The mass_count connection_count and face_count values are especially useful inside the mechsim{} block to determine the current index:

global_settings {
  mechsim {
    topology {
      /* part 1 */
      mass { ... }
      mass { ... }
      connection { ... }

      #declare Start_Mass_Part2=mechsim:mass_count;
      #declare Start_Connection_Part2=mechsim:connection_count;

      /* part 2 */
      mass { ... }
      mass { ... }
      connection { ... }

The Start_Mass_Part2 and Start_Connection_Part2 variables can later be used to display the different parts of the simulation in different forms.

2.3 The simulation data file format

The file format used by the load_file and save_file options is a text format compatible to the POV-Ray #read and #write directives.

The different fields in the file (referred to as 'elements' here) are separated by commas (,) and each contain either a string, an integer or float value or a vector.

The first element is a four character string ('MSIM') identifying the Sim-POV format. The second element is an integer number specifying the subformat of the file. This value is always '2' in files written by Sim-POV. There is no way influencing the format Sim-POV writes right now.

The following three integer numbers are the numbers of masses, connections and faces in the file. After them follows the data of all masses, connections and faces in that order.

For each mass there are the following elements:

For each connection:

For each face:

The files written by Sim-POV contain a line break after the subformat value, the mass count, connection count and face count value and after each mass, connection and face.

A short sample file looks like this:

MSIM, 2,
<-2, -2, 0>, <0, 0, 0>, 2.0, 0.05, 0, 0,
<2, -2, 0>, <0, 0, 0>, 2.0, 0.05, 0, 0,
<0, 2, 1>, <0, 0, 0>, 2.0, 0.05, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0.8, 12000, 6000, 0,
1, 2, 0.8, 12000, 6000, 0,
0, 2, 0.8, 12000, 6000, 0,
0, 1, 2, 0,