There is a new episode of the German RadioOSM podcast covering various topics of the OSMF that were also topic in the recent face to face meeting of the OSMF board of directors. I was invited for the podcast as a guest because i had commented in public discussion on several of the topics. I discussed this with Andi and Peda – with Peda as an OSMF board member presenting the topic and providing his inside perspective (as far as he could without violating confidentiality of the board meeting). It was recorded already about a month ago – in case you might wonder about more recent development not being taken into account (though not that much has happened on these topics in between).
It should be emphasized that this is not only a German language discussion, it surely also comes with a selective perspective on the subjects and there are obviously other opinions on these matters that were not present in the discussion. Although Peda described the views and opinions of his fellow board members in addition to his own this is obviously not the same as these opinions being directly presented in the discussion. This is certainly a disadvantage of having a discussion in German but at the same time it allowed us to contemplate things on a level i feel is usually not possible in an English language discussion where naturally British and American views and discussion style often are more dominating.
I apologize for my voice being rather raspy in the beginning, it gets a bit better over time.
I hope listening to this and learning about the various subjects being worked on and being discussed in the OSMF encourages more people to become OSMF members, participate in the discussion and shape the OSMF in the interest of the mappers. And i also hope this discussion in German demonstrates to other non-native English speakers that discourse on OSMF politics does not have to take place in English to be meaningful. Certainly this is easier in German at the moment than in other languages since there are two native German speakers on the OSMF board who can’t help but notice what is being discussed in German but the first step is always having a discussion and developing and articulating opinions. And we have quite a few local OSMF chapters meanwhile which could – if necessary – put quite a lot of additional weight behind the desires and needs of their local communities in the OSMF.