Views of the Earth

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Die Westkap-Region location map

Die Westkap-Region

Die Westkap-Region in Südafrika, Blick von Osten über die Outeniqua- und die Swartberge. Die Südspitze des afrikanischen Kontinents, Kap Agulhas kann man links sehen und das Kap der Guten Hoffnung im Hintergrund.

Ansicht: Die Westkap-Region
Position: Lon 23.846°
Lat -33.334°
Höhe: 59 km
Richtung: 260°
Kamerawinkel: 36°
Bewertung: 2.7
Umgebungskarte:    Optisch Topographie
Western Cape Region location map
Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut
Western Cape Region


von Chris aus El Salvador am Fri Feb 2 2007 00:25:02
I totally agree with all the comments posted in this column.My dad is southafrican and i went there a few years ago, and it is so far the most beautiful country i have ever visited.Great pics.
von Larry aus Australia am Wed Jan 31 2007 03:23:25
yes it is beautiful, there are more beautiful places in the world that are safer to go to, \\r\\nsort out your crime and they (tourists) will come.\\r\\nuntill then you won't see me there again!!!
von Imelda aus South Africa am Fri Jan 26 2007 17:19:28
South Africa is beautiful! We have just moved to the Western Cape from Johannesburg, on the south peninsular, and I must admit, the Cape is the best! We know we are priviliged to live here, what a wonderful environment for our children to grow up in. Whoever wants to come to Cape Town, do so, it is worth your while, you will not regret it and I know you will want to keep coming back. Hope to see you all soon. <Fish Hoek>
von KK aus United States am Mon Dec 18 2006 02:57:32
Absolutely beautiful. I visited S.Africa this Feb and found my souls home!! It is absolutely gorgeous there and I look forward to my next (and many more) return!
von Leo Hourvitz aus United States am Sun Sep 10 2006 21:57:46
Awesome imagery! Fills in the void between "from an airplane" height and "from a satellite" height. I agree with the other commenters, I loved the Cape when I visited in 2001. I'm from San Francisco and it felt like home (temperate climate, mixed culture, and a wine country 50km away!).\\r\\n\\r\\n
von frank aus Germany am Wed May 3 2006 15:59:46
Meg, you are right Capetown is the nicest city in the world.\\r\\nI've been there for a couple of times, we lieved for two years in africa and we still come back....
von MEAGAN aus South Africa am Thu Mar 30 2006 07:57:19
I have lived in the western care my entire life and I cant imagine living anywhere else.I have also met alot of visitors who are absolutely blown away by Cape Town's beauty.I am very proud to be a South African and would like to ask all South Africans to be proud of our beautiful country and to look after it.Don't litter!!!!!

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