Views of the Earth

künstliche Bilder unseres realen Planeten
Bay of Bengal location map

Bay of Bengal

Between the east coast of India and Sri Lanka on the left and the Andaman and Nicobar islands and Myanmar on the right lies the Bay of Bengal. At the north end the delta of the Brahmaputra River can be seen. In the far background the Himalaya mountain range.

Ansicht: Bay of Bengal
Position: Lon 91.029°
Lat -6.784°
Höhe: 2829 km
Richtung: 348°
Kamerawinkel: 38°
Bewertung: 2.7
Umgebungskarte:    Optisch Topographie
Bay of Bengal location map
Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut
Bay of Bengal

Verwandte Ansichten:

The Himalaya
Die Andamanen


von TC Gopalakrishnan aus India am Wed Sep 13 2017 15:24:00
The pictures of India from space look fantastic. They evoke deep feelings for our country and for the whole world - Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu! Spirituality is all about looking at things from a great height. Thanks for uploading the pictures.
von drprad aus India am Tue Jan 11 2011 13:23:20
This is a reasonably good elevation of the terrain including both the indian peninsula and srilanka. While it brings out the tectonic contact between the eurasian plate and the indian plate, the relatiely later climatic divide ob both sides of the western ghats is standing out.
von somu aus India am Mon Jan 5 2009 07:52:23
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zuletzt aktualisiert 16. Jul 2023 20:38