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Der Ararat location map

Der Ararat

Der Ararat ist der Ort, wo nach christlichem, jüdischem und islamischem Glauben die Arche Noahs nach der Sintflut wieder Land erreicht hat. Südöstlich des schneebedeckten Hauptgipfels befindet sich der kleine Ararat und ganz im Hintergrund kann man den Kaukasus erkennen.

Ansicht: Der Ararat
Position: Lon 44.699°
Lat 39.217°
Höhe: 19 km
Richtung: 335°
Kamerawinkel: 48°
Bewertung: 2.4
Umgebungskarte:    Optisch Topographie
Mount Ararat location map
Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut Bewertung: 1=schlecht, 5=gut
Mount Ararat

Verwandte Ansichten:

Caucasus Mountains


von Roy Patterson aus United States am Mon Jan 7 2013 05:06:16
If I were Noah, I would have used the materials in the Ark to build shelters and stables; and as fuel for fires. I don't think searchers will find it.\\n\\nRoy Patterson
von arsen aus Armenia am Fri Oct 10 2008 02:05:17
Ararat rises from a flat plain and dominates the skyline of Armenia's capital, Yerevan. Since ancient times, Ararat has been revered by the Armenians as their spiritual home and as the home of the gods of the Armenian pantheon. Today, it is the national symbol of Armenia, being featured in the center of the Coat of Arms of Armenia. In 1937, a coat of arms was adopted. This coat prominently featured Mount Ararat along with the Soviet hammer and sickle and red star behind it. The Soviet Union broke apart in 1991 and Armenia thus became an independent republic.In 1992, a slightly modified version of the DRA's coat of arms was adopted and has remained in place ever since. Khor Virap, a monastery located just across the border from Turkey,has a good view of the mountain. Ararat is a 2002 film by Atom Egoyan (about the Armenian Genocide) that displays this symbolism.
von Victoria aus United States am Mon Jun 9 2008 01:34:47
Hi, this photo is beautiful. It is not important were the arc lies, on Turkish land or Armenian land, God made the earth and all the people and things in it. The pure fact that the arc is there, is such a delight. The biblical reference to the arc and all of our existence is crucial to the Abrahamic beliefs. God Blessed the World with Life.
von Daniel aus Czech Republic am Tue Apr 8 2008 14:52:55
Well, I suppose that the Ark site can't be seen in this lovely picture, since it's taken from South East and the site is near Dogubayazit on South West, that means farther to the left from the Mountain...
von Jana aus Czech Republic am Thu Feb 7 2008 23:43:43
you can see foto of Noah's arc on
von Luke aus China am Thu Jan 10 2008 06:36:29
Did they really found Noah's Arc there? I want some pictures of it.\\r\\n\\r\\nThank you!\\r\\nLukewang
von Josh aus United Kingdom am Tue Dec 18 2007 15:23:21
A beautiful mountain without doubt.\\r\\nHow sad that people are so selfish they can't share it!\\r\\nAs he looked back at it - Noah should have been reminded every day of God's grace and mercy in saving him alive, .\\r\\nWe would all do well to remember that without that grace and mercy and the ark that rest's somewhere on Ararat's slopes, not one of us would be here today!!
von Daniel aus United States am Fri Oct 26 2007 05:23:34
Good place for an ark. :)
von ALLAN JEFF aus India am Wed Oct 24 2007 13:53:55
Is Noah arc found....... Which continent is it in????
von EMRE aus Turkey am Fri Jan 12 2007 17:41:10
Ararat is a land of Turkey and it is going to be like that forever. Weather all the forces including France and Armania deny that. Turkey will be always proud of Ararat.
von Yuri aus Russia am Thu Dec 21 2006 22:42:30
I am really impressed by the work of the Christoph. It gives a feeling of the flight. But seeing it generates a strange feeling of the immobility also. It would be great if Christoph would think about a film based on his wonderful still pictures. Only imagine what kind of freedom one would be experiencing flying about Ararat or over the Gallipoli peninsula...\\r\\n\\r\\n
von Artyom aus Armenia am Tue Nov 21 2006 08:53:04
There are two views of Ararat mountain, the one from Turkey and the oposite - from Armenia, the latter is more beautiful, as if it turned its best side to Armenia and Armenians - the oldest possessors of the mount, to enjoy the wonderful scene.
von Philippe aus France am Sun Aug 20 2006 19:12:30
Beautifull place but located in Turkey!\\r\\nThere, you'll be sure to meet some american tourists from armenian diaspora claiming you that Ararat must be located within the boundaries of Armenian republic.
von Patrick aus France am Wed Jun 28 2006 21:42:01
The national symbol of Armenia !\\r\\n\\r\\nVisit the ebove link and see some Mt. Ararat's pictures from Armenia !\\r\\n\\r\\n
von Mari aus Austria am Tue May 16 2006 14:35:11
I would like to live there. It is so beautiful!

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