
Isosurface object speedup patch - examples and comparison

Here you can find some examples and render times comparing the new improved root solver with the old one as well as the different techniques available with this patch.

I made three test scenes for testing the improvements under different circumstances:

Here are these scenes and their characteristics when rendered with conventional techniques:

scene 1 scene 2 scene 3
scene 1, plain POV-Ray 3.5 scene 2, plain POV-Ray 3.5 scene 3, plain POV-Ray 3.5
Parse Time: 0 seconds
Render Time:46 seconds
Function VM calls: 15193402
maximum gradient: 5.449
max_gradient: 5.5
memory use: 268835
Parse Time: 0 seconds
Render Time: 103 seconds
Function VM calls: 4373970
maximum gradient: 2.940
max_gradient: 3
memory use: 318535
Parse Time: 0 seconds
Render Time: 314 seconds
Function VM calls: 24724961
maximum gradient: 29.3
max_gradient: 30
memory use: 219290

Render times and statistics

Here is a collection of test scene statistics with various parameters. The following values are listed in the table:

scene method grid node count parse time render time VM calls memory use notes
 1 - - - 0 46 15193402 268835  -
 1 1 0.5 12755 1 43 12798314 1344377  -
 1 1 0.25 47563 4 36 11222915 4326025  -
 1 1 0.125 183248 17 31 13176001 15993037  -
 1 2 0.5 3623 1 24 7334342 573789  -
 1 2 0.25 15106 4 22 7486221 1536865  -
 1 2 0.125 61404 14 20 10194003 5408217  -
 1 3 0.5 3305 0 22 6734601 550237  -
 1 3 0.25 13830 1 21 6268434 1439973  -
 1 3 0.125 56419 5 19 6633537 5042401  -
 2 - - - 0 103 4373970 318535  -
 2 1 0.3 5879 5 80 3653993 825126  -
 2 1 0.15 21969 14 64 3398851 2237558  -
 2 1 0.075 85654 50 52 4556268 7836638  -
 2 1 0.3 5879 5 67 3092629 824279  max_gradient adaptive 1.5
 2 1 0.15 21969 14 56 3089209 2236711  max_gradient adaptive 1.5
 2 1 0.075 85654 50 48 4358232 7835791  max_gradient adaptive 1.5
 2 2 0.3 1839 5 45 2180026 472259  -
 2 2 0.15 8198 14 41 2405605 1001839  -
 3 - - - 0 314 24724961 219290  -
 3 1 0.3 21503 60 263 26311529 2044994  -
 3 1 0.15 182783 478 310 69464840 15967298  -
 3 2 0.3 6395 60 137 16366239 766518  -
 3 2 0.15 29381 478 96 53040271 2695243  -
 3 2 0.3 6395 59 65 10686130 766632  max_gradient adaptive 2.5
 3 2 0.15 29381 478 55 49787783 2695356  max_gradient adaptive 2.5
 3 3 0.3 6118 3 117 9330644 747036  -
 3 3 0.15 27381 12 87 7689365 2552256  -
 3 3 0.075 124388 52 65 8972801 10637276  -
 3 3 0.3 6118 2 58 4641019 747152  max_gradient adaptive 2.5
 3 3 0.15 27381 11 53 4925509 2552372  max_gradient adaptive 2.5
 3 3 0.075 124388 51 46 7371277 10637276  max_gradient adaptive 2.5
 3 3 0.03 / 0.1 5273 2 93 7325551 658025  distance function based grid
 3 3 0.015 / 0.05 24552 9 75 6466212 2220561  distance function based grid
 1 - - - 0 46 15193402 268835  -

Result differences

The bad side of the whole thing: the results are usually not identical. The scenes' appearance with the original unmodified root solver can be found above.

With method 1 there are only minor differences compared to the original results, with the other methods results can quite strongly differ. With method 2 these differences are less significant with fine grids while method 3 can show artefacts at any grid size.

method 1 method 2 method 3
method 1 method 2 method 3

For scene 2 method 3 does not work at all because of the shape of the isosurface. Method 2 leads to problems at larger grid size limits:

method 1 method 2, grid 0.15 method 2, grid 0.3
method 1 method 2, grid 0.15 method 2, grid 0.3

In scene 3 there are differences are very hard to avoid because of the detailed structure of the surface. method 1 also works very well but hardly makes a difference in render time and results in very slow parsing.

method 1, grid 0.15 method 2, grid 0.15 method 3, grid 0.15
method 1, grid 0.15 method 2, grid 0.15 method 3, grid 0.15