Landscape of the week
This project is discontinued but i started a new Landscape of the week project version 2 with improved techniques.
Current scene:
Scene details:
Scene Number 14 LOTW version Date of creation: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 21:05 Render time: 54h 47m 51.0s
The POV-Ray 3.5
isosurface object is a very powerful tool to create realistic
synthetical terrains. By combining different functions a large variety of
shapes can be created.
With this project i try to create random landscape scenes on a weekly basis. The scene setup is done automatically using random numbers to vary terrain geometry, texture, clouds, sky, lighting and camera. I wrote some more detailed description about this technique.
Because of the isosurface and radiosity lighting, the scenes render fairly slow, therefore i render them at a resolution of only 640x360. They still take about 8-18 hours on an Athlon 1 GHz.
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