Section Content:
Megapov/POV-Ray 3.5 radiosity
Here you can find a tutorial on using the new radiosity model introduced
with Megapov
and now also available in POV-Ray 3.5 and later.
Apart from the two parts on radiosity with and without conventional lighting i also wrote a short section on normals and radiosity.
This tutorial is also included in the official POV-Ray 3.5 documentation. The only differences of the version here are the layout and the javascript popups for the parameters.
- Part 1 - radiosity with conventional lighting
- Part 2 - radiosity without conventional lighting
- Appendix A - normals and radiosity
- zip file with all parts for offline reading (725kB)
If you have any suggestions for improvements or find errors, feel free to
contact me. If you have problems with POV-Ray and radiosity you can also visit the
Povray newsgroups.
Christoph Hormann April 4, 2001