Section Content:
Realistic water with POV-Ray
This tutorial should give a more or less complete introduction into the POV-Ray features that can help to create realistic water.
It is based on the POV-Ray 3.5 syntax and features, but most of the things described here are also possible in MegaPOV with some minor changes.
- Part 1 - Introduction
- Part 2 - finish and pigment
- Part 3 - reflection
- Part 4 - the interior
- Part 5 - surface geometry
- Part 6 - photons
- Appendix A - links
- The waves include file
- zip file with all parts for offline reading (3984kB)
If you have any suggestions for improvements or find errors, feel free to contact me. If you have problems with POV-Ray and the things described here you can also visit the POV-Ray newsgroups.
Christoph Hormann October 23, 2001 - February 2, 2002