Raytracing Gallery 6
These are some of my pictures made with POV-Ray in 2003 and 2004.
eroded crags
A jagged desert landscape.
This image is used as a title illustration of an article i wrote for the german
computer magazine c't
issue 20/2003, page 206
walls 1
High walls with rectangular structured surface surrounding a water pool.
This scene tests some lighting techniques as well as mesh based modelling.
walls 2
Like 'walls 1' but different lighting.
twisted rings 1
Two twisted isosurface rings, based on a formula developed by
Alex Kluchikov.
twisted rings 2
Like 'rings 1' but different lighting.
snowman 2
2003 Christmas card. The snowman is from an
older scene.
mountain forest
A hut in the middle of the wilderness of a mountain forest.
This scene makes use of massive instancing of meshes for the
vegetation and uses high detail isosurfaces for the other geometry.