by Christoph Hormann
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Privacy policy

During your use of my internet services i record data of various kind – partly personal in nature. I want to inform about nature and extent of this data recording on this page. This privacy policy is partly based on a boilerplate from

Collection, recording and use of personal data is only performed under the rules of the German 'Bundesdatenschutzgesetz' and 'Telemediengesetz' and the European General Data Protection Regulation.

Website logs

The delivery of data by my webserver during use of my internet services is logged for the purpose of statistical analysis and error detection. The data recorded by these logs is comprised of the ip address of the requesting computer, date and time of the request and the result code as well as the amount of data delivered. In addition information supplied by the program making the request (the web browser) as part of the request (type and version of the web browser and referer) are recorded as far as they are transmitted. You have the possibility to configure your web browser not to transmit any such additional information. This has no negative effect on the use of my services.

The logged data is only used for the described purposes of statistical analysis and error detection. The data is not made available to a third party and no connection is established to personal data. All logs are deleted within 60 days.

Comment functions

Some of the pages on my websites give you the possibility to comment. By submitting a comment there you agree to the information you provide being published together with the time of entry as visitor comments. Beyond that the information as listed above for the website logs is also recorded when the comment function is used. This data is only used for the purpose of preventing abuse of the comment function.

Collection of personal data

Personal data is only recorded as far as it is deliberately entered by you. This is the case for example during a license inquiry or when registering a customer account. In these cases only information that is necessary to process your requests and fulfill contracts with you is recorded.

Use and dissemination of personal data

When you order services or products from me your personal data is only used without your explicit permission as far as the ordered services or the fulfillment of the contract require it. This includes the transmission of your data to transport services, payment services and other third party services used for execution of my services.

After a contract is completely fulfilled your data is locked from further use and will be deleted after storage terms demanded by tax and trade laws unless you explicitly agree to further use.

Use of cookies

For more comfortable use of some functions of my internet services I use cookies. These are small text files stored on your computer. These are deleted when you close your browser. Use of cookies is limited to a few functions where it is necessary, like when logging in as a customer or when entering comments. You can prevent cookies from being stored in your web browser configuration.

Information requests

According to the legal regulations you have the right to be informed about data stored by me about you free of charge as well as the right to have it corrected, locked and deleted where applicable.

Contact concerning privacy

If you have questions regarding collection, recording and use of your personal data, would like to request information about or correction, locking or deletion of data or would like to revoke an agreement on my use of your data you can use the following contact information:

Christoph Hormann
Jean-Monnet-Strasse 23
79111 Freiburg

Email: services[the circled a sign]

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More map symbols (01 Nov 2024)
Point barriers (23 Oct 2024)

Todays featured image:

Svalbard from south
Svalbard from south
View of the Archipelago of Svalbard from south with the main island Spitzbergen on the left and Edgeøya, Barentsøya, Nordaustlandet and Kvitøya on... [more]
Design and Content Copyright 2022 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:08