by Christoph Hormann
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The Musaicum West Asia

Musaicum West Asia satellite image mosaic

The Musaicum West Asia is a regional visible color satellite image mosaic of the West Asia region and adjacent areas in eastern Europe with a ground resolution of 10m. It combines recent Sentinel-2 satellite imagery into the highest quality and most cloud free depiction of the region in this resolution class available today.

It is generated using a classical mosaicing process derived from the methods and techniques developed for local mosaics but with a high degree of automatization. This eliminates most of the time intensive manual steps while maintaining high quality standards.

Compared to the Green Marble the Musaicum West Asia offers much higher spatial resolution (10m compared to 250/300m) at the cost of slightly more heterogeneous coloring due to the smaller data basis. Cloud occurrence is comparable to my hand produced local mosaics with less than about one in 100k pixels significantly affected by clouds.

Compared to the Musaicum EU-Plus this mosaic is based on improved aggregation techniques to take into account the particularities of the more arid and subtropical climate zones. Significant effort was put into representing the vegetation maximum in a setting with widespread year-to-year variability in precipitation and vegetation.

Primary data source for the image is Sentinel-2 imagery from 2019 to 2024.

In case you would like to read in more detail about this mosaic off-line a product description is available for download and offline reading as well.

Key properties

  • Visible color mosaic of West Asia and adjacent areas (including the Caucasus region, parts of southern Russia, western Kazakhstan and Cyprus)
  • 10m base resolution
  • Based on Sentinel-2 data from 2019 to 2024
  • Includes full coverage of lakes, coastal waters and reefs, no coverage of the open ocean
  • Shows atmosphere compensated surface color, available either as linear surface reflectance values or tone mapped for direct display
  • Shading compensated version can be produced on request

Product packaging

The mosaic is produced in different projections for different parts of the coverage area and is assembled in the target projection on demand. The previews of the whole mosaic shown here are in Lambert conformal conic projection, small area samples are in UTM projection. For use in web maps in Mercator projection by default a z14 grid (9.5546m nominal resolution) is provided.

The standard form of distribution of this mosaic is with an alpha channel for seamless blending with a background image for the open ocean - like the Green Marble. This is illustrated in the samples below. Other variants can be produced on request.

Musaicum West Asia with transparent oceans and alpha channel for seamless blending Musaicum West Asia blended with Green Marble based Ocean coloring Musaicum West Asia with transparent oceans and alpha channel for seamless blending (detail) Musaicum West Asia blended with Green Marble based Ocean coloring (detail)

Sample gallery

Musaicum West Asia sample: Taurus Mountains, Turkey Musaicum West Asia sample: Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine Musaicum West Asia sample: Strait of Tiran Musaicum West Asia sample: Gaza Strip Musaicum West Asia sample: Rostov-on-Don, Russia Musaicum West Asia sample: Western Caucasus Musaicum West Asia sample: Homs, Syria Musaicum West Asia sample: Euphrates valley in Syria Musaicum West Asia sample: Sakakah, Saudi Arabia Musaicum West Asia sample: Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia Musaicum West Asia sample: Baghdad, Iraq Musaicum West Asia sample: Ibb, Yemen Musaicum West Asia sample: Marib, Yemen Musaicum West Asia sample: Eastern Caucasus Musaicum West Asia sample: Teheran, Iran Musaicum West Asia sample: Shiraz, Iran Musaicum West Asia sample: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Musaicum West Asia sample: Al Ain, United Arab Emirates Musaicum West Asia sample: Ibra, Oman Musaicum West Asia sample: Hormuz, Iran Musaicum West Asia sample: Ravar, Iran Musaicum West Asia sample: Golestan, Iran Musaicum West Asia sample: Baku, Azerbaijan Musaicum West Asia sample: Ural river delta, Kazakhstan Musaicum West Asia sample: Gotvand reservoir, Iran Musaicum West Asia sample: Bahrain Musaicum West Asia sample: Doha, Qatar Musaicum West Asia sample: Socotra, Yemen Musaicum West Asia sample: Sharurah, Saudi Arabia Musaicum West Asia sample: Northern Iraq with the cities of Mosul and Erbil Musaicum West Asia sample: Wolgograd, Russia Musaicum West Asia sample: Mekka, Saudi Arabia Musaicum West Asia sample: Beirut, Lebanon Musaicum West Asia sample: Wadi Rum, Jordan Musaicum West Asia sample: Liwa Oasis, United Arab Emirates

Musaicum West Asia license inquiry

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What you are interested in

Tone mapped image mosaic with default tone mapping and alpha channel for seamless ocean blending
Mosaic with shading compensation
Linear surface reflectance data for custom processing

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Design and Content Copyright 2024 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Fri, 23 Aug 2024 20:49