by Christoph Hormann
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Landsat mosaic of Cuba

Landsat mosaic of Cuba

This Landsat mosaic of Cuba shows the island of Cuba in the Gulf of Mexico. The image gives a realistic up-to-date visual color impression of the area with preference on data from the wet season and beginning of the dry season with strong vegetation.

This Landsat mosaic can be considered a higher resolution supplement to the Green Marble and similarly it represents the surface color with compensation for the effects of the atmosphere.

The mosaic features seamless coverage of the ocean using the Green Marble mosaic for areas further from the coast. The high resolution Landsat data only covers Cuba and the smaller islands near it - other areas included in the image, especially the Bahama Banks, are based on Green Marble data.

Source data is mostly Landsat 8 imagery from 2013 to 2016 with only few small areas where this has been supplemented by older Landsat 7/5 imagery.

In addition to the visual color mosaic there is also a vegetation data set available based on the same Landsat imagery depicting the maximum amount of vegetation at every point - separated into woody and herbaceous vegetation.

Key properties

  • Visible color mosaic of Cuba
  • 15m base resolution, total size 78000×27000 pixel (vegetation map: 30m)
  • Based on Landsat imagery, primarily Landsat 8 from 2013-2016, ~0.1 percent from older Landsat 5/7
  • Ocean color based on Green Marble
  • Shows atmosphere compensated surface color, available either as linear surface reflectance values or tone mapped for direct display
  • Assembled in UTM zone 17, can be made available in other projections.

Sample gallery

Landsat mosaic of Cuba sample: Havana Landsat mosaic of Cuba sample: Mangrove forests in the west Landsat mosaic of Cuba sample: Reefs east of Isla de la Juventud Landsat mosaic of Cuba sample: Southern coast Landsat mosaic of Cuba sample: Guantanamo Bay Landsat mosaic of Cuba sample: Coast in the north Landsat mosaic of Cuba sample: Agabama River mouth Landsat vegetation map of Cuba

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Design and Content Copyright 2022 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:08