by Christoph Hormann
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Licensing information

Licensing images from the catalog is fairly simple and can usually be arranged within a day. What i need from you and what is to be provided in the license inquiry form is the following information:

  • What you want to use the image for: This information is essential to be able to obtain a license, i do not license images for unknown purposes. Please make sure you also describe if you intend to modify the image for your use.
  • The size of the image: For print use the size on paper is necessary for both calculating the required image size and the price. For electronic use i need the size in pixel.
  • The scope of use: This includes the number of copies/the print run in case of print use and the planned duration of use.
  • Special requirements: For example any special requests concerning file format etc.

When i have reviewed your inquiry you will receive an individual offer for your planned use. The image file will be made available for download for you on this site. Payment can be made via bank transfer or via Paypal.

You can start a license inquiry directly from the catalog but of course you also can do so via email.

Blog news:

More map symbols (01 Nov 2024)
Point barriers (23 Oct 2024)

Todays featured image:

Kashmir and the western Himalayas
Kashmir and the western Himalayas
View of the Kashmir Valley and the western part of the Himalaya mountains with the Chenab River in the foreground. [more]
Design and Content Copyright 2022 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:08