by Christoph Hormann
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Nettilling Lake in early October 2022

Nettilling Lake in early October 2022

Landsat image of Nettilling Lake in early October 2022 with fresh snow.

view data
Location: 71.6° W, 66.6° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 11166×5956 pixel

Ellsworth Mountains in late September 2022

Ellsworth Mountains in late September 2022

Landsat image of the Ellsworth Mountains in late September 2022.

view data
Location: 85.74° W, 78.41° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 8746×4687 pixel

Fort Providence and Mackenzie River in Autumn 2022

Fort Providence and Mackenzie River in Autumn 2022

Sentinel-2 image of the Mackenzie River near Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, Canada in autumn 2022 with fall colors.

view data
Location: 117.55° W, 61.29° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 12778×7563 pixel

Shiveluch, Kamchatka in Autumn 2022

Shiveluch, Kamchatka in Autumn 2022

Sentinel-2 image of the Shiveluch volcano in Kamchatka, Russia in autumn 2022.

view data
Location: 161.37° E, 56.66° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 7443×4406 pixel

Antarctic sunrise 2021

Antarctic sunrise 2021

Landsat image of McMurdo sound and dry valleys in the Antarctic from early September 2021 with very low sun position to the northeast marking the beginning of the 2021/2022 observation season.

view data
Location: 162° E, 77.7° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25753×17362 pixel

Antarctic spring 2021

Antarctic spring 2021

Sentinel-2 mosaic of McMurdo sound and dry valleys and the Transantarctic mountain south until Byrd glacier from early in the 2021/2022 observation season in October 2021 with the Ross sea largely covered with sea ice.

view data
Location: 163° E, 78.6° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 43824×54712 pixel

Mount Katmai and Naknek Lake

Mount Katmai and Naknek Lake

Landsat image of Mount Katmai and Naknek Lake on the Alaska Peninsula in autumn 2021 with some fresh snow at higher elevations.

view data
Location: 155.33° W, 58.437° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10886×6120 pixel

Northern Greenland in Autumn 2021

Northern Greenland in Autumn 2021

Landsat image of Wulff Land and Warming Land in Northern Greenland with low sun from the southwest.

view data
Location: 49.988° W, 81.656° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 12060×6988 pixel

South Georgia in early Spring 2021

South Georgia in early Spring 2021

Sentinel-2 image of South Georgia at the beginning of the 2021-2022 summer season with cloud cover only in the northwest.

view data
Location: 36.72° W, 54.29° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 18200×12300 pixel

Mount Aniakchak in Autumn 2021

Mount Aniakchak in Autumn 2021

Sentinel-2 image of Mount Aniakchak and Mount Chiginagak on the Alaska Peninsula in autumn 2021 with some fresh snow at higher elevations.

view data
Location: 157.9° W, 57° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 13600×7900 pixel

South Sandwich Islands in Winter 2020

South Sandwich Islands in Winter 2020

Almost cloud free Sentinel-2 mosaic of the South Sandwich Islands in Winter 2020 showing sea ice reaching very far northward beyond Zavodovski Island

view data
Location: 27° W, 58° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 20000×40000 pixel

Severnaya Zemlya in August 2020

Severnaya Zemlya in August 2020

Cloud free Sentinel-2 mosaic of Severnaya Zemlya in August 2020 featuring an almost ice free Laptev Sea while there is some drift ice remaining on the eastern Kara Sea.

view data
Location: 97° E, 79.6° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 40000×40000 pixel

The Deosai plateau

The Deosai plateau

View of the Deosai plateau from the east with the upper Indus valley to the right and the Nanga Parbat on the background left.

view data
Location: 76.004° E, 34.539° N
Altitude: 31.863 km
View Direction: 322°
Camera Angle: 66°
Available size: up to 8000×6000 pixel

The Nanga Parbat

The Nanga Parbat

Closeup view of the Nanga Parbat from east with the Rupal Glacier, Bazhin Glacier and Chhungphar Glacier visible.

view data
Location: 75.08° E, 35.156° N
Altitude: 11.863 km
View Direction: 282°
Camera Angle: 32°
Available size: up to 8000×6000 pixel

The Indus and Shyok Rivers

The Indus and Shyok Rivers

View westwards down the upper Indus on the left and the Shyok River on the right south of the Karakoram mountains and with the Shigar River and the Skardu Valley in the center back and the Nanga Parbat on the far left.

view data
Location: 76.403° E, 34.976° N
Altitude: 31.863 km
View Direction: 309°
Camera Angle: 64°
Available size: up to 6000×8000 pixel

Kashmir and the western Himalayas

Kashmir and the western Himalayas

View of the Kashmir Valley and the western part of the Himalaya mountains with the Chenab River in the foreground.

view data
Location: 75.881° E, 32.577° N
Altitude: 51.863 km
View Direction: 336°
Camera Angle: 59°
Available size: up to 8000×6000 pixel

The western end of the Himalayas

The western end of the Himalayas

View of the westmost part of the Himalaya mountains north of the Kashmir Valley with the Nanga Parbat in the center background, the Deosai plateau to the right and the Indus valley behind.

view data
Location: 75.531° E, 33.857° N
Altitude: 51.863 km
View Direction: 330°
Camera Angle: 62°
Available size: up to 6000×8000 pixel

The top of the Karakoram

The top of the Karakoram

View of the highest part of the Karakoram mountains with the upper Siachen Glacier on the foreground right, the Baltoro Glacier behind on the left and the Shaksgam River valley further to the right.

view data
Location: 76.945° E, 35.331° N
Altitude: 21.863 km
View Direction: 342°
Camera Angle: 47°
Available size: up to 6000×8000 pixel

The Hunza Valley from south

The Hunza Valley from south

View of the Hunza Valley from the confluence of the Hunza River with the Gilgit River northwards with the Western Karakoram mountains on the right, the Pamir Plateau on the background left and the western Taklamakan Desert on the far right background.

view data
Location: 74.114° E, 35.642° N
Altitude: 35.863 km
View Direction: 32°
Camera Angle: 60°
Available size: up to 6400×4800 pixel

The Fedchenko Glacier

The Fedchenko Glacier

View of the Fedchenko Glacier in the northern Pamir from south with the Fergana Valley in the far background.

view data
Location: 72.461° E, 38.407° N
Altitude: 21.863 km
View Direction: 330°
Camera Angle: 62°
Available size: up to 4800×6400 pixel

The Tian Shan

The Tian Shan

View of the Tian Shan at the northern side of the Tarim Basin on the foreground left with the Issyk-Kul lake in the background.

view data
Location: 82.047° E, 41.097° N
Altitude: 51.863 km
View Direction: 288.5°
Camera Angle: 38°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

Kashgar and the Kongur Shan

Kashgar and the  Kongur Shan

View westward from Kashgar in the foreground right with the Kongur Shan mountains on the left towards the Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan border with the Pamir on the background left and the Fergana Valley on the far right.

view data
Location: 77.145° E, 38.729° N
Altitude: 51.863 km
View Direction: 286.5°
Camera Angle: 50°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

The Kongur Shan

The Kongur Shan

View of the Kongur Shan mountains and Muztagh Ata in the center and the Pamir with Karakul Lake on the left.

view data
Location: 76.423° E, 37.465° N
Altitude: 51.863 km
View Direction: 307°
Camera Angle: 45°
Available size: up to 8000×6000 pixel

From Karakoam towards Hindu Kush

From Karakoam towards Hindu Kush

View from the western end of the Karakoam mountains towards Hindu Kush and Pamir with the Hunza Valley crossing the center of the image

view data
Location: 75.044° E, 35.748° N
Altitude: 35.863 km
View Direction: 319.4°
Camera Angle: 64°
Available size: up to 6000×8000 pixel

The western Karakoram

The western Karakoram

View of the western part of the Karakoram mountains with the three main glaciers draining to the south, the Baltoro Glacier, the Biafo Glacier and the Hispar glacier on the left side and the Pamir plateau in the background.

view data
Location: 76.691° E, 35.512° N
Altitude: 51.863 km
View Direction: 314°
Camera Angle: 60°
Available size: up to 6000×8000 pixel

The K2

The K2

View of the K2 in the Karakoram as well at the rest of the highest part of the mountains with the Godwin-Austen Glacier and the Baltoro Glacier in the foreground

view data
Location: 76.565° E, 35.538° N
Altitude: 11.863 km
View Direction: 358°
Camera Angle: 47°
Available size: up to 8000×6000 pixel

Algae bloom off the outer Outer Hebrides

Algae bloom off the outer Outer Hebrides

Sentinel-2 image showing algae bloom off the outer Outer Hebrides in Scotland around St. Kilda in Summer 2019.

view data
Location: 7° W, 58° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25721×16217 pixel

Last ice thawing in northern Canada 2019

Last ice thawing in northern Canada 2019

Sentinel-2 image of the coast of northern Canada east of the Mackenzie River delta in June 2019 with the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula and the Husky Lakes/Eskimo Lakes.

view data
Location: 132° W, 69.6° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25548×14210 pixel

Clouds around Heard Island in Winter 2019

Clouds around Heard Island in Winter 2019

Sentinel-2 image of cloud vortices northeast of Heard Island near mid winter 2019.

view data
Location: 73.6° E, 53° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 11729×6523 pixel

Winter 2019 on Kerguelen

Winter 2019 on Kerguelen

Sentinel-2 image showing a glimpse of the Kerguelen Islands between the clouds in Winter 2019.

view data
Location: 69.5° E, 49.5° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 9827×5466 pixel

The Hunza Valley

The Hunza Valley

View of the central part of the Hunza Valley towards Attabad Lake with the Hispar Glacier and the higher Karakoram mountains on the right.

view data
Location: 74.082° E, 36.129° N
Altitude: 31.863 km
View Direction: 72°
Camera Angle: 58°
Available size: up to 6300×8400 pixel

The Kashmir Valley

The Kashmir Valley

View of the Kashmir Valley from the southeast. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 75.765° E, 32.992° N
Altitude: 35.863 km
View Direction: 322°
Camera Angle: 57°
Available size: up to 9600×7200 pixel

Ross Island and McMurdo Sound

Ross Island and McMurdo Sound

Nighttime Landsat mosaic of McMurdo Sound with Ross island on the lower left and the McMurdo Dry Valleys on the right. Sun is very low in the south.

view data
Location: 166° E, 78° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 16000×16000 pixel

Lambert Glacier and Amery Ice Shelf

Lambert Glacier and Amery Ice Shelf

Nighttime Landsat mosaic of the Lambert Glacier and Amery Ice Shelf in eastern Antarctica in early 2019. Sun is coming from the south which is on the left.

view data
Location: 68° E, 72° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 45000×24000 pixel

The Antarctic Peninsula at Night

The Antarctic Peninsula at Night

Nighttime Landsat mosaic of the Antarctic Peninsula with North on the lower right.

view data
Location: 63° W, 66.5° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 27000×21500 pixel

Winter Sunrise over the Westfjords, Iceland

Winter Sunrise over the Westfjords, Iceland

Winter Landsat image from just after sunrise in early 2019 of the Westfjords in northwestern Iceland with relatively little snow.

view data
Location: 22.5° W, 66° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10854×8496 pixel

Kamchatka Volcanoes in February 2019

Kamchatka Volcanoes in February 2019

Landsat mosaic of the Kamchatka peninsula in February 2019 with activity of three different volcanoes simultaneously.

view data
Location: 161° E, 55.5° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 26000×40000 pixel

Northern Greenland Autumn 2018

Northern Greenland Autumn 2018

Landsat mosaic of Northern Greenland and Northern Ellesmere Island in late August/early September 2018. This includes the nearly cloud free September 2018 off nadir pass and matching scenes from further south.

view data
Location: 60° W, 82° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 86000×34000 pixel

Europe from northwest

Europe from northwest

View of the central part of Europe from northwest reaching from southern Scandinavia to southern France with Great Britain and Ireland prominently in the foreground. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 29.007° W, 58.401° N
Altitude: 1321.86 km
View Direction: 108°
Camera Angle: 45°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

Great Britain and Ireland from southwest

Great Britain and Ireland from southwest

View of View of Great Britain and Ireland from southwest. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 10.781° W, 44.021° N
Altitude: 1021.86 km
View Direction: 31°
Camera Angle: 35°
Available size: up to 6400×6400 pixel

Central Europe from southeast

Central Europe from southeast

View of Central Europe from the southeast with the Alps in the middle, Italy in the foreground and France and Germany in the background. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 19.627° E, 33.353° N
Altitude: 1021.86 km
View Direction: 326°
Camera Angle: 45°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

The western Mediterranean Sea

The western Mediterranean Sea

View of the western Mediterranean Sea from southwest with the Iberian peninsula on the left and North Africa on the foreground right. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 8.83° W, 27.299° N
Altitude: 1021.86 km
View Direction: 32°
Camera Angle: 48°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

The Iberian peninsula

The Iberian peninsula

View of the Iberian peninsula from southwest with the Strait of Gibraltar in the foreground and France in the background. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 8.207° W, 34.028° N
Altitude: 1021.86 km
View Direction: 32.5°
Camera Angle: 45°
Available size: up to 7200×9600 pixel

The Balkan Peninsula

The Balkan Peninsula

View of the Balkan Peninsula from southeast with Greece, western Turkey and the Aegean Sea in the foreground. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 28.411° E, 32.889° N
Altitude: 1021.86 km
View Direction: 327°
Camera Angle: 45°
Available size: up to 7200×9600 pixel

Eastern Europe from south

Eastern Europe from south

View of Eastern Europe from the south. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 14.945° E, 21.358° N
Altitude: 2821.86 km
View Direction: 359.5°
Camera Angle: 36°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

Western Europe from south

Western Europe from south

View of Western Europe from the south. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 6.163° E, 22.298° N
Altitude: 2821.86 km
View Direction: 0.5°
Camera Angle: 35°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

Western Europe from southeast

Western Europe from southeast

View of Western Europe from the southeast from the Iberian Penisula to Italy and Western Scandinavia. Uses waterbody data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors.

view data
Location: 16.138° E, 25.347° N
Altitude: 2821.86 km
View Direction: 328.5°
Camera Angle: 35°
Available size: up to 9600×5400 pixel

Summer evening view of the northern Ural mountains

Summer evening view of the northern Ural mountains

Landsat 8 evening image of the northern Ural moundains in Russia at the border between Europe and Asia.

view data
Location: 63° E, 66° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10415×7459 pixel

Summer evening view of northern Norway around Tromsø

Summer evening view of northern Norway around Tromsø

Landsat 8 evening image of the coast of northern Norway around Tromsø.

view data
Location: 19° E, 69.6° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10415×7459 pixel

Summer evening view of the Verkhoyansk Mountains

Summer evening view of the Verkhoyansk Mountains

Landsat 8 evening image of the Verkhoyansk Mountains in northeastern Russia east of the Lena river.

view data
Location: 128.5° E, 68.3° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10415×7458 pixel

Todays featured image:

The Bering Strait
The Bering Strait
View of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia from the southeast with Alaska in the foreground, the Aleutian Islands and Kamchatka on the left... [more]
Design and Content Copyright 2024 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Sat, 30 Mar 2024 23:52