by Christoph Hormann
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Production of custom views

You can commission custom views from me no matter if you already have a precise idea how your image should look like or not – in any case i will aim to create a design optimized for your application. As part of a production contract i offer you the following services:

  • Consulting with respect to the type of view best suited for your application: Based upon your requests and wishes i develop a concept for the image to be produced. You receive an individual offer for the production including the time required.
  • Data research and processing: In case you need some geographical relations to be visualized in your image but have them only in form of a hand sketch or a list of places without coordinates i offer to do the required processing of this information and research of additional data required.
  • Production of a draft: During the production process you will always receive a draft based upon which you can ask for changes if required.
  • Production of the image: Based on the draft approved by you i produce the image.
  • Support during use of the image: After delivery of the image i also offer support with the integration into your application.

If you are interested in these services you can start an inquiry here. If you prefer to you also can of course also do so via email.

Custom image production inquiry

You can use this form to make your inquiry. If you prefer you can also make your inquiry via email of course, at your option also with encryption).

human verification Please enter the code you can see in the image on the left to verify you are a human and not a spamming script.
* * Required field
Information about you
I accept the privacy policy*
About the view you would like to have produced

Please describe what kind of image you would like to have produced. This includes both the location/subject of the view as well as the style. Any information on what purpose the image it going to serve is helpful as well. If you know an image from the Views of the Earth or from the catalog similar to the view you would like to have created you should mention that as well. *

Your planned use of the image

Please describe how you intend to use my image:


I plan to modify the image

Please specify the size do you want to use the image in (in cm/inch for print use, in pixel for electronic use):


Please specify the scope and volume of your planned use (print run for print, duration of use for electronic use):


You can add here any additional information or requests you have concerning this inquiry:

Todays featured image:

Franz Josef Land
Franz Josef Land
View of Franz Josef Land from west covering the whole island group [more]
Design and Content Copyright 2022 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:08