by Christoph Hormann
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Cartographic data products

Franz Josef Land map data

Franz Josef Land data illustration 1 Franz Josef Land data illustration 2 Franz Josef Land data illustration 3

The base data for the Franz Josef Land map is offered for licensing for custom use. Some of this data is also available in Openstreetmap under ODBL.

Coastline, waterbody and glacier data is derived mostly from Sentinel-2 imagery from 2016, partly also from Sentinel-2 and Landsat imagery from 2015, the satellite image mosaic and the vegetation map from 2013-2015.

Relief data is based on ArcticDEM which is derived from DigitalGlobe satellite images and has been extensively processed to be suitable for cartographic applications.

Data offered comprises:

  • coastline, inland waterbody and glacier polygons as well as rivers
  • raster map of the vegetation in 30m resolution
  • true color Landsat mosaic in 15m resolution
  • relief data corrected and processed to match the coastline and waterbody data in 5m resolution
data information:
data type map data and true color satellite image mosaic
coverage Franz Josef Land
available projections/variants original data in UTM zone 40 projection
license constraints none

If you are interested in Franz Josef Land map data use the form below to describe your needs and i will get back to you.

Data inquiry

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Severnaya Zemlya map data

Severnaya Zemlya data illustration 1 Severnaya Zemlya data illustration 2

The map data the Severnaya Zemlya map is created from is also available for licensing.

All data is derived from Landsat imagery, in most parts from 2010-2013 and only in very small areas older than 2005.

Data offered comprises:

  • coastline, inland waterbody and glacier polygons as well as rivers
  • raster map of the vegetation
  • true color Landsat mosaic
data information:
data type map data and true color satellite image mosaic
coverage Severnaya Zemlya
available projections/variants original data in UTM zone 47 projection
license constraints none

If you are interested in Severnaya Zemlya map data use the form below to describe your needs and i will get back to you.

Data inquiry

You can use this form to make your inquiry. If you prefer you can also make your inquiry via email of course, at your option also with encryption).

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Novaya Zemlya map data

Novaya Zemlya data illustration 1 Novaya Zemlya data illustration 2

The map data the Novaya Zemlya map is created from is also available for licensing.

All data is derived from Landsat imagery, in most parts from 2013-2015 and only in very small areas older than 2011.

Data offered comprises:

  • coastline, inland waterbody and glacier polygons as well as rivers
  • polygons for moraines
  • raster map of the vegetation
  • true color Landsat mosaic
data information:
data type map data and true color satellite image mosaic
coverage Novaya Zemlya
available projections/variants original data in UTM zone 40 projection
license constraints none

If you are interested in Novaya Zemlya map data use the form below to describe your needs and i will get back to you.

Data inquiry

You can use this form to make your inquiry. If you prefer you can also make your inquiry via email of course, at your option also with encryption).

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Glacier data Russian Arctic

Glacier data Russian Arctic illustration 1 Glacier data Russian Arctic illustration 2 Glacier data Russian Arctic illustration 3

This data set combines the glacier data from Severnaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land (see above) with additional mapping of the other Russian Arctic glaciers.

All data is derived from Landsat imagery, in most parts from 2010-2014.

The following regions are included:

  • Severnaya Zemlya
  • Franz Josef Land
  • Novaya Zemlya
  • De Long Islands
  • Northern and Polar Ural
  • Byrranga Mountains
  • Verkhoyansk Range
  • Koryak Mountains (between Cape Navarin and Pylginsky Range)
  • Chersky Range
data information:
data type polygons representing the glacier extent
coverage Russian Arctic
available projections/variants EPSG:4326 or customer defined
license constraints none

All together there are more than 1800 glacier polygons in this data set.

Coverage of Russian Arctic glacier data

If you are interested in Russian Arctic Glacier data use the form below to describe your needs and i will get back to you.

Data inquiry

You can use this form to make your inquiry. If you prefer you can also make your inquiry via email of course, at your option also with encryption).

human verification Please enter the code you can see in the image on the left to verify you are a human and not a spamming script.
* * Required field
Information about you
I accept the privacy policy*
Your geodata preparation inquiry

Please describe what kind of data you need and the application you would like to license it for:


Todays featured image:

Novaya Zemlya and the Matochkin Strait from south
Novaya Zemlya and the Matochkin Strait from south
View of the island of Novaya Zemlya from south with the Matochkin Strait in the middle [more]
Design and Content Copyright 2022 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:08