Satellite image products
One type of visualization I offer in addition to 3d earth views are satellite image mosaics. These images are designed to give a realistic and consistent impression of the earth surface color without clouds and other atmosphere effects. They can be used for interactive maps and applications as well as in print.
Most of the images offered here are the most up-to-date and highest quality products currently available regarding consistency of colors and uniformity in rendering with the respective coverage and resolution.
In addition to the images offered here some local image assemblies from specific dates can also be found in the general image catalog. Both these and the images here can also be produced on demand according to customer specifications. Contact me for details regarding this.
The Green Marble mosaic version 4

The Green Marble is a global cloud free true color image of the earth surface depicting the surface color at the time of vegetation maximum.
Find out more about the Green Marble
For reference the Green Marble version 1
For reference the Green Marble version 2
For reference the Green Marble version 2.1
The Musaicum satellite image mosaics

The Musaicum satellite image mosaics are visible color satellite image mosaics with a ground resolution of 10m. They offer unsurpassed consistency and quality in this resolution class based on recent source data with an exceptionally low cloud incidence.
Find out more about Musaicum images
Go directly to Musaicum EU-plus, West Asia, North Atlantic Islands
The Comprehensive Optical Mosaic of the Antarctic (COMA)

The Comprehensive Optical Mosaic of the Antarctic (COMA) is a cloud free mosaic of the Antarctic, combining different satellite image sources, with a base resolution of 15m for most of its coverage area.
Find out more about the Comprehensive Optical Mosaic of the Antarctic (COMA)
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